Made with

"Little did I realise then, that this was the beginning of a story, a story which would be based on white faces, and lips which trembled as they said goodbye to loved ones - in some cases for ever"


As soon as she was of age, Mary signed up for National Service. When she went to an interview near Westminster, she was offered a confidential government job in the Midlands. She was a good shorthand-typist but instead of accepting the post, and to the surprise of the woman interviewing her, she decided she wanted to join the Women's Land Army. And so she was given another address to report to.  Here she was told the disadvantages of the job: Sunday work, early rising and one week's break out of fifty-two if she was lucky.

Joining the Women's Land Army

"There had been many recruits for the Women's Land Army and a little voice within kept saying 'I wonder if I should'"

Eventually an O.H.M.S letter arrived confirming her place at the Agricultural College in Devon. After receiving a large parcel containing her uniform, she moved to the college where she was taught to milk cows, look after pigs and harvest the corn. She spent a month at Seale Hayne College alongside 20 other recruits before being sent to a farm in Suffolk. 

Life on the farm


Seale Hayne College 

"It was with mixed feelings that I took my leave of the College. It had been a pleasant, happy home for me for what seemed much longer than four weeks"